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Sunday, October 19, 2014

Robotics Club

Robotics Club

Hello people of my world. I have returned with interesting news from my trip to Earth. My mission was to go to a high school and observe people who join a group called a “club”. So I decided to see the “Robotics Club”. The “Robotics Club” was held in the computer lab. I put on my disguise and went in. There were so many giant sized humans that where bent over like a huge boulders working on their robots. Although there were many older and bigger humans around me, I had to complete my mission. I noticed a small group of male humans called “boys/men/guys” who were next to a strange device. This device controlled the robot they made. I believe the device was called a “laptop”. I was so fascinated by my findings that I decided to make one myself.

At the end of robotics club, I learned that robots are much harder to make than they seem, and when the teacher is not in the room, all the “guys” talk about a video game called “League of Legends”. They also swear very loudly until the teacher comes back and they start pretending to work on their robots.

After this mission, I have learned many things about the humans of Earth and I will like to visit this planet again sometime soon.


  1. But how would an alien know if a word is slang or not? Could you have written that you assumed that they were swear words?

  2. Wow Eva, your a VERY deep thinker. This will take you places and your attitude towards your group is deep. I know how you felt when people were swearing and they would pretend to do their work when the teacher walked back in the classroom. This is Extraordinary! Fantastic Job! Keep it up.
