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Wednesday, October 29, 2014


I chose this video because it tells you that to get to a solution that it is okay to "break the rules" and to think outside the box because if you "think outside the box" then you get different results then someone who "thinks inside the box" This video is for those who are getting ideas that are not different, lackluster and lack creativity and innovation. It shows that you can get your result that you want if you think differently.

Hum 8 assignment


This video is called "STEAL LIKE AN ARTIST" from TED talks
I chose this video because it tells us that creativity is never original which is really important. This video relates to what we talked about in class because it talks about creativity just like "OBVIOUS TO YOU, AMAZING TO OTHERS" and how your ideas are always (in a way) original. This post will probably help others realize that taking an idea from another person and then mashing it up with your own ideas is not a bad thing. This video will also encourage other people to not be afraid to "copy an idea" and make it something new; something better. What ideas would YOU like to "copy" and mash up with your own ideas? Would it be better than the original idea? This video encourages creative thinking and is inspirational. I hope you enjoyed this video and learned something new! 😜😜🍭🌈

Sunday, October 19, 2014


Today, we look at one of the clubs that has started a while ago at Fraser Heights Secondary. The Leo club. Leo stands for Leadership, Experience, and Opportunity. It is a club that gives people opportunities to receive volunteer hours, by helping with the community and charities with events such as fundraisers, candy sales, etc. This year, they are helping the LINK (Liberty in North Korea)  and Covenant House (Homeless Youth). I believe Leo club is very beneficial towards every individual for it grants them the experience required in the future. You can meet new people, make new friends, and have tons of fun. The Leo club meets on Tuesdays at lunchtime, at around 11:15, in room 217. They welcome all people who join, whether you’re bad with community things or not, so try giving Leo a try. That is all that we have today for AWSUM news, see you tomorrow, and have a good day.

Robotics Club

Robotics Club

Hello people of my world. I have returned with interesting news from my trip to Earth. My mission was to go to a high school and observe people who join a group called a “club”. So I decided to see the “Robotics Club”. The “Robotics Club” was held in the computer lab. I put on my disguise and went in. There were so many giant sized humans that where bent over like a huge boulders working on their robots. Although there were many older and bigger humans around me, I had to complete my mission. I noticed a small group of male humans called “boys/men/guys” who were next to a strange device. This device controlled the robot they made. I believe the device was called a “laptop”. I was so fascinated by my findings that I decided to make one myself.

At the end of robotics club, I learned that robots are much harder to make than they seem, and when the teacher is not in the room, all the “guys” talk about a video game called “League of Legends”. They also swear very loudly until the teacher comes back and they start pretending to work on their robots.

After this mission, I have learned many things about the humans of Earth and I will like to visit this planet again sometime soon.

Free The Children

Oct.16, 2014          My experience at Free The Children    Philip H
             First Impression (from alien perspective)
  When I entered the room full of humans for the Free the Children Club, I saw people on their cellular communicating devices, not listening to the humans speaking at the front and speaking to their allies in the back of the room. This made me think it was not a serious club.
     I wanted to join since I helped 50 children in Africa get education for an elementary school project. There was a PowerPoint presentation explaining the country they
were sponsoring which I think was called “ Nicaragua”. They wanted to help Nicaragua by raising money so the little earthlings in Nicaragua can go get an education.

         I was going to join this club but with my paperwork and
Extra-curricular activities, I don’t think I would have enough time to stay fully committed to Free The Children.

Friday, October 17, 2014


Come join the grade 8 boy's volleyball team! Come on in and bring a friend! It's fun, it's recreational and its a great way to meet new people! Are you good at volleyball and you don't know where else you might put those red wrists to work? Come on in! We except a variety of players; whether you're short, tall, thin, or muscular, you always (not really) have a chance at the team. The coach is nice and friendly (as long as you don't play with Starbuck's cups when you should be playing volleyball) and your teammates (should be) friendly too! The volleyball team is full of learning experiences and opportunities, you won't regret it! In fact, you'll have so much fun that you won't even realize that your wrists are red (until after)! You even get a jersey once you make it to the team! Meet other people from other schools just over a fun (competitive) game of volleyball. So come in here and spike a ball! Enjoy the liberty of slapping a ball at your friends while they stumble and fall to receive it! Set up plays with your best buds and watch them move you one step further to making the team! If you don't make the team, at least you know that you failed trying! There's always next year! Ever walk across the trophy case and find a picture of the grade 8 boy's volleyball team and wondered, "I want to join the volleyball team.."? Well this is your chance now! Now come on in and volley some balls! Tryouts after school in the gym.